Posts Tagged ‘vote’

My family spends a good amount of time talking about Trump and how irresponsible those around him are for supporting him. When I say “supporting”, I mean those who attend his rallies during this pandemic we’re still in the middle of and pledge their votes to him in the November Presidential election, and  those lawmakers who could have and still could put a stop to his outrageous behavior. 

We’ve all given up hope on Trump facing reality or doing the right thing. To be honest, those in this household never thought those things were going to happen. But who listens to us? A lot of people wanted to give him a chance to change, to prove that he didn’t really believe his nasty rhetoric. They really thought he would become a better person, I guess.

I learned some time ago, a scorpion doesn’t change its ways.

But this isn’t about Trump..

This is about his Party.

The 90 percent that support him to this day.

This is about the Independents who claim to have not made up their minds about who they will vote for yet.

I am a registered Independent and I have absolutely no respect for either of you.

How can you look at almost anything Donald Trump has done and not know that it is not okay for him to be President now or ever again? How can you objectively look at Trump’s record and not realize that Joe Biden would have to be a better President, or at least deserves a chance to be? Hell, your pet fish would likely be a better President than Trump.

He let almost 200,000 people die. Yes. Let. (Your pet fish could do that). Trump knew in February that COVID-19 was a dangerous, deadly disease, easily spread and likely to kill thousands of Americans. Yet he kept this information from the American people when telling us, and urging safety precautions could have saved lives. Instead he told us there was nothing to fear from the virus. In March, when we started to see cases in the United States, Trump started telling us it would be gone in a few days and most of those who caught it would only suffer mild symptoms. He told us we only had to worry about the elderly when he knew young people would suffer as well, setting in motion highly dangerous behaviors by young people who thought they weren’t vulnerable.

Donald Trump flouts his own administration’s pandemic rules by gathering large rally crowds without masks or social distancing, here in an indoor rally in Tulsa in June.

Trump continued to make matters worse by refusing to help governors and mayors struggling with the devastation from the virus when it hit their states hard. Thousands of people were getting ill, hundreds of people were dying daily. 

The doctors and nurses treating the ill were struggling to help patients without any understanding of the disease, without the proper machinery and personal protection equipment, exposed to illness and death themselves. They came from all corners of the country and too many of them died trying to save others.

Still Trump did nothing. Correction. He held daily press conferences with absolutely no helpful information, staged to make it appear that he was taking action. He wasn’t. In fact, he muzzled the experts and spread misinformation from quacks, trying to convince Americans that ultraviolet light, or ingesting hydroxychloroquine and bleach might cure or prevent the virus. 

To this day, with the pandemic in full force throughout the country, he encourages us to not wear masks and disdains social distancing.These two actions being among those things proven to help ward off the virus. To this day because the president said it was so, too many Americans are roaming around the country without masks believing the virus is a hoax, that they can’t be infected or that an infection with COVID-19 is no worse than coming down with the common flu.

This alone should be enough to disqualify him in any decent person’s mind.

There are almost 200,000 people dead. People. They had friends. They had families. They had husbands, wives, sisters, brothers, children. They looked like you and they looked like me. No matter their age, race or socio-economic status, they should have had the chance to live out their lives. And don’t tell me everybody dies. Especially after we just memorialized Sept. 11 where 25,000 were injured and almost 3,000 died. If it was a tragedy having that number injured and dead, and it was, what is it when you have 6.5 million people becoming ill and almost 200,000 dead?


This alone, his reckless disregard for American lives, for human lives, disqualifies him to be President of the United States or in charge of anything that impacts the well-being of humans. If it does not then G-d help us, because there is something seriously wrong with us. There is something missing in our souls. I don’t care about any other of your other issues or concerns.

While this is probably the worst of what he’s done during his term it’s not the only inhumane action or policy for which he’s responsible. His whole presidency is littered with cruel policies; policies showing that he doesn’t care whom he hurts. Policies that seem to have no purpose other than hurting others. But this dwarfs them all.

People who are elected to serve and protect us make excuses for and protect him, never mind the cost to us. He threatens to take away our healthcare in the middle of a pandemic, with the highest unemployment this country has seen since the Great Depression. How many people can pay for healthcare under these conditions without  insurance? Do we hear our elected representatives saying hey Mr. President you can’t do that. Our people are suffering enough. Let them keep their healthcare? Not if they’re Republicans.

Do we hear Republicans saying, Mr. President, stop the lies about COVID and help us fight this awful disease. No, Republican governors are following his lead and refusing to take the steps necessary to slow down the virus. Republican Congressmen mock their Democratic counterparts for wearing masks and lead their constituents to believe mask wearing is for sissies. Republican voters enter grocery stores following their leaders’ lead, indignant when store owners and customers ask them to put on a mask, putting their friends, neighbors and relatives in danger of catching the disease.

As much as Trump is showing his lack of compassion, his lack of a heart, so is every Republican who is supporting him. So is every Republican who is not denouncing his actions, especially those in elective office. 

Trump is a scorpion. I don’t expect much from him.

At one point I thought there was hope for the Republican Party. It was the party that convinced President Richard Nixon to step down before he could be impeached. It is the party that participated in bringing down Joseph McCarthy (Republican Senator known for ’50s McCarthyism) after McCarthy started attacking the US Armed Forces as being infiltrated by communists.

McCarthyism began to falter after the Army’s chief counsel asked McCarthy on live television as McCarthy bullied a young Army lawyer, “Have you no sense of decency, sir?”

There is no one asking that question today.

There is no sense of decency.

There is no hope. 

I am no longer an Independent.

I will never vote for another Republican.

After this election, in which I will vote for every Democrat running, I am going to change my affiliation to Democrat.

There is no Republican with the moral right to ask for my vote.